965.72.30.01 - Plaza Ayuntamiento, 1 03158 Catral, Alicante info@ayuntamientocatral.com

PERMANENT EXHIBITION: “La Villa de Catral through time”

“La Villa de Catral through time” is the first permanent exhibition sponsored by the City Council of Catral, which is exhibited in the Municipal Library, and has had the collaboration of the Association of Researchers “Castrum Altum” of Catral and the MARQ technical advice. Archaeological Museum of Alicante.

In order to contribute to the recognition, protection and dissemination of the rich Historical and Cultural Heritage of the town of Catral, and to make it known to all Catralenses, on the second floor of the Municipal Library -in the entrance hall- is located said exhibition space.

In this space a selection of archaeological, ethnological and bibliographic pieces are shown, as well as archival documents and musical scores from different eras, all interrelated with the evolution of our local history.


V Catral Trade Fair

The commercial fair of Catral is celebrated on Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 October. It will take place on Purísima Avenue where in addition to the stands you can enjoy workshops, parades, concerts, etc …

1. Beneficial for our people.
2. Personalized customer service.
3. Because it gives life and security to the municipality.
4. We build and strengthen the community.
5. For trust and closeness.
6. Because they are our neighbors.
7. For respect for the environment.
8. Creation of jobs.
9. Unique and original products.
10. Collaboration in the development of the municipality.

Are you going to miss it?


See brochure   See brochure (English Version)

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